Anyway I asked around and I didn't know which clinic to switch to so today I just went back to 6aiba.
Their appointment system is go in, get a number and wait or you can go there and get an appointment. I was there by 11.40 and waited. There was 19 infront of me but they have around 10 laser rooms.
well.. I finished at 4 pm :/ but its ok ma warai shai I just hope I don't wake up tomorrow and find myself burnt!
go to royal hayat!
ee 9a7 royal 7ayat wayyyyyed yemde7ouna!
am loving ur golden polish!!! what is it?
Um mit3ib and Loudina- I've heard mixed reviews on royal 7yat! I called them bas changed my mind the very last second ;x ... No burns from yesterday!
Fairy- its a sticker "MINX" you can get it done at me time or bubbles. Me Time: 22598025
Bubbles: 22960929
oh i thought its a polish! am soo in love w it! i live in abu dhabi actually do u kno any place does it here?
Fairy- I actually dont know..I searched on the net and didnt find any BUT I just sent an email to the MINX providers in the UK.. Ill get back to you when they answer
taiba clinic burnt me too
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