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Monday, 11 January 2010

Teeth whitning

The easiest way to change your look is by whitening your teeth, it makes a huge difference.

I've used the crest white strips, they're great. You'll see results in 3 days. The only problem with that is you'll end up with sensitive teeth. But in my opinion, its worth it!! Im sure everyone knows about this by now

Then I tried the 5 minute whitning system. I didn't like it; it didn't whiten my teeth and it made my gums white! I had to press on my gum area till it went back to its normal color. These are like retainers you fill them and leave the retainer in your mouth for 5-10 mins

and then there's tooth pastes which I think just help MAINTAIN the whiteness

And mouthwashes.. same as above

What have you tried??

*All products I got from the states but you can find crest (different packaging coz mine is so old) @ Sul6an center


Hamad said...

a friend told me "dentist" that these products is a big no no! it'll eats up ur teeth before u know it

PaLoMiNo said...

Listerine for whitening ma yenbaa3 here 7asfaa ;X

I use bright smile products, I love themmmmm! :*

o i love 6a3m il mouth wash ;D

Single said...

the best one i've used and noticed a difference from the first use s close up. 3ajeeeeeeeeb

Hi Maintenance said...

Hamad- I've been using products for about 5 years, they do get sensitive for a while then they become normal again

Palomino- E 7safa listerine do alot of great products!!

Single- close up toothpaste? r u serious? ;P

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