If you hate going out without foundation because you have scars, maybe its time to treat the scar instead of just hiding it? MEDERMA makes erasing scars possible (or atleast reduces them).
I use this sometimes after I get a blemish or sometimes I scratch myself or something happens, I carry it around in my bag and apply it whenever I stand infront of a mirror. Usually by the end of the week, its gone!
You can find this online or at any CVS in the states
* Its not just for the face and I highly recommend this product ili mo3ajba ygool o I'll give you your money back! :P
Hi there , I really like your blog now I'm checking it twice a day it's really nice I love make up and your posts is great and helpful . tawni alteshif el blog ,Mashalla wayed mofeed . Thanks alot.....Its Bibi
Bibi- Thanks, glad you find it helpful :)
Where to find it?
i have blemish spots waaaaayed!
the anony commenter and me share the same name :P
do u know if it works for pimple scars? or if you suggest something available in kuwait for that?
i love your blog btw
I've used this product, its awesome!
Merry Christmas! Love your blog! xox
Zabo0o6a- I haven't seen it in kuwait. got mine from the states
Anonymous- It should! this is the best scar product I've used.. Check tomorrows posts ;P
Elizabeth- Thanks hun Merry christmas to you too
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